Sunday, June 21, 2009

5 days and counting

So we are off to Costa Rica in 5 days and we're getting really excited. Now it's all the fun little things to get done before we leave! So i am still getting used to this whole blogging thing and so far i think i have things a little backwards. I am very new at this to say the least. So for now the pictures are first and the explanation is at the end. Hopefully it makes sense. Maybe when we get back from Costa Rica i'll have this blogging thing down! :) Thanks again to everyone for making this possible for us!!


  1. Great Job Lest! I am so excited you are doing this! It will be fun to read and follow along with you! Just make sure you get in some of the pictures too!
    Love ya!

  2. hey Celeste - I'm excited for your blog too! Just a little hint - after you load your pictures onto the blog you can click and drag them down under your text.Good luck and I've added you to my blog list, so keep it up.

  3. Celeste, You are amazing! We are praying so hard for this to be a positive trip in so many ways! Already we have seen miracles as so many people have worked together for this cause. We know great things will transpire. So many of us will be fasting for you this Sunday and you will always be just a prayer away. Hugs! Mom
