Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's about time

YAY i've finally done it!! Everyone has been telling us we need to set up a blog so people can keep up with what it going on especially while we are gone. It takes me awhile to get things going and i am definitely new at this so bare with me. I keep up with other peoples blogs and theirs are always SO cute and mine will probably not be like that sorry. I will be proud if i can do the minimal of just posting comments and pictures, but maybe i'll learn we'll see. So here we go.... First of all we want to say thank you to everyone!! Words cannot express how grateful we are to everyone for what they have done for us. If not for all of you this would not be posible for us. It is simply amazing what we have experienced these last few months!! Here is a brief preview with what has been going on.


  1. You've done a great job so far and we truly look forward to more of your postings. . . . .We believe in past, current, and future miracles and we are praying hard at this time. Hugs! Mom

  2. So glad you did a blog. I has been awesome to read. You did a great job. I will miss reading your posts. Maybe you can go on another trip so I don't go through withdrawls.
