Sunday, June 28, 2009

We made it!!

Well we have arrived in Costa Rica and we have gotten situated in our room. Its almost handicapped accessible there is a step getting into our room and Mark can't get into the bathroom but other than that it is great! The first appointment is tommorrow at 8 am for blood work. It wil take a day to analyze the blood and the first injection is Wednesday afternoon. He will have physical therapy everyday Tuesday through Friday and injections twice a week. That will give us a 3 day weekend that will allow us to travel and see the country. When we got here it was raining. This morning it was nice and sunny but around 2 it started to rain again and is supposed to rain each day much like the monsoons back home. We have met several others that are here for treatment most of them have MS. It is going to be nice to have someone else here to go through the treatment with. I will get some pictures posted soon. Just wanted to let you know we got here safe.


  1. So grateful you are meeting other people that you can relate with. You will love all the fruits and will even like the rain too. . . . The rain makes all the wonderful fruit grow so much quicker. We're so thrilled for you having this opportunity. Still can't connect to the internet with my computer (to get off the e-mail addresses), but we're working on it. The long journey beings with the first step. WAY TO GO MARK IN STANDING UP! Hugs
    ! Mom

  2. So glad you got there safe. I was actually worried about you, so I'm glad everything went great!
