Monday, July 20, 2009


So it's been a few days since I last posted sorry. It was a pretty busy and fun weekend. Friday it was the usual PT and injection. Before we left these 3 girls were getting ready to leave and they were all dressed up for the carnival. They are the cutest girls!! They have been here almost as long as we have and they are pretty much the only ones that use the pool. They are always down there and even though we speak different languages Mark has already made a connection with them. He has gotten one of the girls to splash me one of the days and her dad another. Everytime we see them they say Hi to us and they are just the sweetest girls. Mark's PT went good and he worked really hard. His arms were completley dead when he was done and he was really tired. It was nice for me because Angie had me help with some of the excercises which was great, so we can continue them at home. I love when I get to be involved! It was really funny because after PT we headed over to the waiting room for our injection. Since Mark had just finished PT of course the top of his shirt was completley soaked with sweat. Dr. Alfonso who does our injections was walking by and looked at him and was like "What happened to you"? We both laughed as he told him nothing it was just sweat. Mark's injection was at 4:30 but he didn't get in until almost 6 which he hates because it means he can't get up until 11 and by that time it's pretty much time for bed. As you can see from the pictures towards the end we were getting a little bored waiting for the injection so we were taking pictures and trying to entertain ourselves. This week was fun because we met a lot of neat new people. Two families in particular were here with their kids Mackenzie who just turned 4 and Charlie who is almost 4. These kids are the most precious kids I have ever seen and they are absolutley adorable. They have the sweetest spirts and are just so perfect. They are also recieving stem cells. When Mackenzie was 18 months she choked on a goldfish cracker causing her to be without air and causing brain damage. She was in a coma for quite awhile. Charlie fell in a swimming pool and was pronounced dead for 20 minutes. They were able to regain a pulse but he to suffered brain damage. These kids fought for their lives and continue fighting, and they have so much life. Their parents are amazing and it was so neat to talk tand visit with them. This is Charlie's second time undergoing treatment because they noticed quite a few improvements the first time. They have definitely touched my heart and everyone's here as well. We wish them both the best and know they will do great!!

Mark's 3 little girlfriends

Yea so we got a little bored. Any idea what i'm saying........ Oh come on I LOVE YOU

Makenzie and Charlie with Charlie's dad

Makenzie and her mom Pam

Charlie and his mom Jodie

Mark working hard at PT


  1. The push ups are quite girlie, but the sit ups are amazing! Seriously you look great! Congrats and keep up the hard work. Brad is really going to be jealous now!

  2. I quote Brad from his email, "You can tell he is stronger by the situps but I was more impressed when he was on his knees and the lady pulls them back and he moves them forward".

  3. WOW! Mark looks super and is working so hard. We're so pleased with both of you and how you are making so many friends and touching more and more lives all around the world. Keep up the amazing work and your terrific attitudes. . . . . . .Love you! Mom

  4. It is cool to see other people that are there and their stories. I love seeing all the new exercises. It's amazing to see Mark do them. So glad everything is great. Can't wait to see you soon!
