Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our last day

For our last day we all went to the rainforst on the atlantic side. We took the tram ride up and we were going to do the zip line but they do it different. Here you ride the tram up and down, then you do the zip line so Mark would of had to wait for us for 2 hours. We figured we would be nice and not make him wait for us. The tram ride was nice and relaxing and then we took a little walk around the forest with our guide. After we went to lunch at a nice place which was really good. Then our driver who was great took us to a souvenir shop to get all the last minute things. Of course I took forever just looking around at everything. Before dinner I started getting everything packed up. It was hard to believe we had already been here a month and it was time to go home. It was definitely bittersweet having to say bye to all the great people and to Costa Rica, but we were excited to be going home. There's nothing like getting home and getting to sleep in your own bed! We had dinner at Chancay which we had gone to before and had really liked. It was good the second time around to. We got home and of course started playing some games which of course lasted longer than everyone had hoped. We had a early flight so we were being picked up at 4:30 but thanks to playing games we didn't get to bed until about midnight. Oh well it's only sleep and we had a fun time and us girls killed the boys and that's all that matters!! We had a fun day and we were so excited to have Brad and Carena with us and we were so glad that they got to experience part of our journey with us. Thanks Brad and Carena for coming to see and play with us. We had such a great time and we love getting to see you guys. Thanks for making our last days so fun and memorable!!!

These plants were so weird, they produce a gel that just hangs there

A little frog

Everyone helping Mark get up the hills

Going in for lunch

Nice Mark

Mark and his lunch. He's so CUTE!

Out at lunch

On our way home from the rain forest, we were all tired!!

We were waiting for our taxi to go to dinner and we were tring some cheerleading moves. As Mark says I would have been a terrible cheerleader, and it's the truth!! That's probably why I was never a cheerleader.

Yes we are sword fighting with the swords that came with our fruit drinks, as I'm trying to eat my pineapple

Eating at Chancay

Our last ride in a taxi


  1. It looks like so much fun. I actually think you have potential as a cheerleader. Don't give up your dreams. I like the pic of you and Brad fighting with the swords. You look like you are concentrating really, really hard. I hope you won :).

  2. Congrats girls on killing the guys. Thanks for all the fun pictures and your insights into life. So glad that Brad and Carena could join you for a few days and experience the adventure too.
