Wednesday, July 15, 2009

PT & Injection

Another day of physical therapy and an injection today. We had a new therapist named Erika and she was very nice and really good. At first we thought it was going to be nice because we thought we were going to have the same therapist everyday. Now we have been glad that we have had such a variety because each girl has their own things they like to do with Mark and they each challenge him in such different ways. Not to mention each girl has been so amazing and are so nice!!! It's been great that it's not the same thing over and over but such different things. Mark continues to work hard and pushes himself everyday. Today they had him doing excercises with weights and he told them he wanted to use the heavier weights. They were very impressed because he continued to do the excercises using the heavier weights. I think they realize how hard he works because one of the girls at our last appointment told us she had heard that he was a hard worker so she was going to make him work hard. He loves it and it makes him stronger and teaches him new things every day. So after PT we headed over to get his injection. For me this is the hardest part because it is freezing back there!! I am such a wuss that I steal Mark's blanket when they give it to him. Ok so I share it most of the time only sometimes I steal it :) He got his usual back injection and 2 IV injections today. They told us today that in his back injections there are at least 9 million cells and in the IV one's there are anywhere from 1.5 to 3 million. We had no idea that there were that many cells in one injection and that makes us excited! After the injection it was off to Marks favorite part laying flat. He is doing better and isn't fighting it so much well not to much at least :) Robert made dinner tonight and shared with us so I didn't have to make anything it was awesome, THANKS Robert. I really am getting spoiled here. All I had to do was laundry and of course catch up on my blogging. It's amazing how easy it is to get behind. Before I end for tonight I just want to thank everyone who is keeping up with us and checking our blog, it really means alot to us. Thanks to all of those who have left comments for us, we get so excited when we get a comment. It's like christmas when we get on and see we have messages because we know you are checking us out and keeping up with us. It means more than you know, so THANK YOU!!

Karla and Erika

Getting one of his IV injections

Mark and Dr. Thomas

We thought this was funny because her instructions for this one were extend your leg like you're kicking me. Mark started saying at the same time as I did, "Maybe Celeste should set there". She thought it was pretty funny and hey if it works I am more than happy to let him kick me :)


  1. Celeste,
    We just got your blogsite from your mom and are excited to see how well Mark is doing. Keep it up and stay safe.
    Love Ya,
    Christy Ann

  2. Hey Guys,
    I am not an emotional person but seeing this stuff really gets to me!! You guys are awesome and i love seeing the progress - keep up the good work!!

  3. I think Mark is looking 'buffer'. I can totally tell! I am with Daniel, even though I can be an emotional person, watching the videos and seeing the pictures always gets to me. I love it--keep it coming!
    Love you guys!

  4. Mark, you are doing so awesome, this is amazing! It's great that you guys got the opportunity to go and do this. I've also heard Costa Rica is such a fun place to visit.
    xoxo Heidi (Skenandore)

  5. Hey! I am emotional all the time and seeing all the pictures, reading the words, and watching the videos really touches me. I'm reminded of all the thousands of people that made this possible and are praying so hard for you. Yesterday someone here in Moses Lake said, "I don't even know Mark and Celeste, but I am praying for them and love reading the blog." Keep up the good works. Love you! Mom
